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21 – Trailer (official) April 9, 2008

Posted by C0Y in Celebrities, Movies, News & Info, Videos.
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Sony Pictures has released (last March 28) yet another real-life inspired drama movie about five brilliant students from MIT, who changed the way the game is played forever.

“21” stars Jim Sturgess (The Quest), Kevin Spacey (American Beauty), Kate Bosworth (Superman Returns), Laurence Fishburne (Matrix), Aaron Yoo (Disturbia), Liza Lapira (Cloverfield), Jacob Pitts (Eurotrip), and Josh Gad (Back To You).

The story starts with Ben Campbell (Jim Strugess), probably the best student in MIT who happens to be unbelievably really good at math. He can get perfect scores when everybody else crams to pass, and he can calculate just about anything instantly. But just like any other boys in school, there are problems even he can’t solve himself (like where to find $3,000 dollars for school). Well atleast not at first, until he was given the chance to join some sort of group (like a math club?), where the main focus of which is…. studying the game of Black Jack(yes folks, the game.. the gamble.. money money money), and how to beat the odds.

Don’t tell me you’re not catching up.

With his gift with numbers, things started to turn out well and he pretty much was on his way to having the money that he needed, but just like life itself, he slowly started to realize that things aren’t really that easy as time goes by. There will be temptations, greed, and a whole lot of risks involved.

“…in Vegas, you can be anything you want….”, and you can get a whole lot more than $ 3,000 too… or loose it.

3 Critical:

  1. Based On A True Story – now this part just made it more interesting. Does anyone know where and what happened to the real Ben Campbell? I’d Appreciate any information.
  2. The Irony – I may be wrong on this one, but as logical as the fact that the game of cards is all about probability, calculations, and really more about math, I really haven’t heard of a Mathematician who’s a millionaire, or even a billionaire.
  3. Better Competition – haven’t anyone taught of this? Maybe they should allow group gambling for a more competitive casino experience. This way, the geniuses would be more sociable to the society.